This page presents the sectoral emissions for Annex 1 countries for the period 1990-2020. Countries have also presented estimates of projected sectoral emissions for the year 2030, which have also been represented in this section.

Sectoral and Projected Emissions

BR Graphs
  1. The graphs represent the sectoral emissions for Annex I countries for the period 1990-2020.
  2. The data has been sourced from the Biennial Reports Data Interface (BR-DI) application of the UNFCCC. The data presented in the BR-DI has been extracted from the BR CTF tables submitted by Annex I Parties.
  3. Countries have also presented estimates of projected sectoral emissions for the year 2030, which have also been represented in this section.
Future projections of sectoral emissions

Future projections of sectoral emissions have been made using three different scenarios:

  1. ‘with measures’ projection encompasses currently implemented and adopted policies and measures.
  2. ‘with additional measures’ projection encompasses planned policies and measures.
  3. ‘without measures’ projection excludes all policies and measures implemented, adopted, or planned after the year chosen as the starting point for the projection.
Note on projections
  1. Most countries have not provided ‘without measures’ and ‘with additional measures’ projections and hence these are not available consistently for all nations.
  2. Only ‘with measures’ projections are included in our overview to maintain uniformity and facilitate easier comparisons.
  3. The pop-up text box will appear blank for the countries with missing data in their BR reports for certain parameters.


BR Graphs
  1. The graphs represent the sectoral emissions for Annex I countries for the period 1990-2020.
  2. The data has been sourced from the Biennial Reports Data Interface (BR-DI) application of the UNFCCC. The data presented in the BR-DI has been extracted from the BR CTF tables submitted by Annex I Parties.
  3. Countries have also presented estimates of projected sectoral emissions for the year 2030, which have also been represented in this section.
Future projections of sectoral emissions

Future projections of sectoral emissions have been made using three different scenarios:

  1. ‘with measures’ projection encompasses currently implemented and adopted policies and measures.
  2. ‘with additional measures’ projection encompasses planned policies and measures.
  3. ‘without measures’ projection excludes all policies and measures implemented, adopted, or planned after the year chosen as the starting point for the projection.
Note on projections
  1. Most countries have not provided ‘without measures’ and ‘with additional measures’ projections and hence these are not available consistently for all nations.
  2. Only ‘with measures’ projections are included in our overview to maintain uniformity and facilitate easier comparisons.
  3. The pop-up text box will appear blank for the countries with missing data in their BR reports for certain parameters.

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The Climate Equity Monitor (CEM) is the first initiative from the global South that will track equity in climate action by the signatories of the UNFCCC.

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